Where do you deliver?

We delivery within a 30 mile radius of Manchester, NH as well as the Seacoast. If you live outside of our delivery range, but are interested in trying our meals, feel free to contact us at hello@newrootsmeals.com and we will try and work something out

When will my order be delivered?

All orders within a 30 mile range from Manchester, NH are delivered every Tuesdays from 11-7pm. We will send a text when your delivery is 30 min away, as well as a confirmation text once it has been dropped off. Orders should be refrigerated immediately, but if this is not possible for you we suggest placing a cooler outside for us to place your order in.

How often does the menu change?

Our menu operates biweekly, with a new menu coming out every other week. If there is a week where a menu will be listed for longer or shorter than 2 weeks, then you will be notified via email so be sure to subscribe to our email list for updates.

How big are the entrees?

All entrees are served in 32 oz compostable containers. All sides vary in size and will specify how many ounces on each dish.

Are the containers microwave safe?

All entree container bottoms are microwaveable, however you must remove the lid prior to microwaving. The lids are not microwaveable. Our clear deli containers for the sides are not microwaveable, and sides must be transferred to a microwaveable safe container before reheating.

Is everything vegan?

All of our food is 100% plant-based, meaning there are no animal products involved. Everything is cruelty and dairy free - we can also generally work with any food allergy. Please reach out with any questions regarding food allergies and we will be happy to accommodate you.